If something doesn‘t work, fix it yourself. Or get someone else to do it. Or find a replacement of some sort. (Important: strictly in that order.) [⚠ Images ~298kB]
Webhooks became a paid feature in IFTTT and broke my previous article’s fee-free smart charging solution. If you’ve got an Android device, there’s still hope. [⚠ Images ~1.4 MB]
The last part of my reflection on NaNo 2023, as we look at the process of how everything came together: apps, spreadsheets, sleep cycles, and final takeaways. [⚠ Images ~1.6 MB]
Part two of discussing my 2023 project – this time, we go down a trip through memory lane as I discuss work, rest, and play, and how my characters portrayed these experiences. [⚠ Images ~483 kB]
In this three-part series, I talk about my experiences with 2023’s grind to 50k words. I’ll first discuss the story – or rather, the characters, really. (tl;dr warning: yes, 22 min article, 1hr+ series!)
My Upload XML based monitor introduced a simple stack to show scores on a stream layout. Naturally, the next step was to expand on this into a competition. [⚠ Images ~662 kB]
A great cover by Hanabasami Kyou demanded a likewise memorable chart. I think you’ll love the chorus part of this Lv7 short cut I wrote for SMASH!. [⚠ Images ~277 kB]
In the process of talking about the song and its context, this article ended up being a primer to one of DJMAX Technika’s game modes. Sorry about that. [⚠ Images ~410 kB]
I’m no stranger to the exhibitor experience. Yet, there were plenty of lessons to be found hosting my first ITG tourney and cab at SMASH! 2023. [⚠ Images ~1.5 MB]